The Academic Choir
Tone Tomšič, University of Ljubljana
The Academic Choir Tone Tomšič, University of Ljubljana unites students from all of the faculties of the University of Ljubljana, who share a great love of singing and a constant desire of carrying out high-quality artistic creation.
The choir continues the tradition of the Academic Choir in Ljubljana, founded by France Marolt in 1926 as a male ensemble. Between 1938 and 1939, Marolt also led the Women’s Academic Choir. Due to Italian occupation during WW2, there was a cultural silence from 1941 onwards. After the cultural silence, the choir was reactivated in 1946, this time as a mixed ensemble under the name Academic Choir Tone Tomšič.
The choir has always been led by renowned choir leaders such as: France Marolt, Radovan Gobec, Janez Bole, Lojze Lebič, Igor Lavrič, Marko Munih, Jože Fürst, Jernej Habjanič, Stojan Kuret, Urša Lah, Sebastjan Vrhovnik and Jerica Bukovec. From October 2021 onwards, the choir is led by Rahela Durič Barić.

Are you a student? Do you wish to meet new friends, sing, and travel at the same time?
With us, you can experience all of it and more!
Come to auditions and become a part of The Academic Choir Tone Tomšič University of Ljubljana.
Naše božično drevo
2012, dirigent Sebastjan Vrhovnik

Listen to us:
“Vloga glasbe v naši kulturi je najpomembnejša, saj je glasba najsvetejša umetnost, ki nam lahko pomaga pri stiku z najglobljimi strastmi in sočutjem ter najglobljim razumevanjem sebe“.
Ethan Hawke
Event excerpts
Enjoy watching our videos
APZ Tone Tomšič Virtual Choir - Temna Noč
APZ Tone Tomšič Virtual Choir - Es ist ein Ros entsprungen (Praetorius)
APZ Tone Tomšič - KNEZ MARKO (Katarina Pustinek Rakar)
Our patrons