2. student choral event Študentsko ZBORovanje
Student choirs in the Slovenian Philharmonic! Get to know the work of student choirs operating in the City of Ljubljana. The Primorska Academic Choir Vinko Vodopivec is organizing the 2nd Student Choir Magazine Študentsko ZBORovanje in the Marjan Kozina Hall of the Slovenian Philharmonic. *********************************************** ** ************************** Participants: * Tone Tomšič Academic Choir * Girls’…
Slovenian poetry: In Young Birches Silent Spring
Art has always had a significant impact on humanity. In antiquity, for example, it was used to express and recreate human nature and the mythological past. Mostly in the form of singing, dancing and poetry at the same time. The Tone Tomšič Academic Choir of the University of Ljubljana will combine music and poetry at…
Llibre vermell
“5 do 100” – letni koncert APZTT
Po skoraj enoletnem obdobju brez koncertov se pevci in pevke APZ Tone Tomšič UL na odre vračajo z letnim koncertom s pomenljivim naslovom »5 do 100«, s katerim praznujejo 95. obletnico svojega delovanja. Pod vodstvom dirigentke Jerice Bukovec bodo mladi pevci in pevke letos opazovali preplet skladb srednjega veka, renesanse in 21. stoletja. Na koncertu…
fin’amor & llibre vermell
V ciklu Plečnik & A-cappella bo 30. septembra pod taktirko Jerice Bukovec nastopil APZ Tone Tomšič Univerze v Ljubljani s srednjeveško obarvanim programom. Na sporedu bo glasba iz Rdeče knjige samostana Montserrat v Kataloniji ter nekaj izbranih sakralnih skladb! “Srednjeveška glasba iz Rdeče knjige samostana Montserrat” Umetniška vodja: Jerica Bukovec