Annual concert: Contrasts of passion

Annual concert: Contrasts of passion

Contrasts of passion

Annual concert of the Tone Tomšič Academic Choir of the University of Ljubljana

Saturday, June 1, 2024, 7:30 pm


Marjan Kozina Hall, Slovenian Philharmonic

Tone Tomšič Academic Choir of the University of Ljubljana

Rahela Durič Barić, conductor

Panda van Proosdij, choreography

Glasbena matica Ljubljana Youth vocal group

Irma Močnik, choir preparation

Nino Mureškić, percussion

Fernando P. Mejías, guitar


At the annual concert of the Academic Choir of Tone Tomšič, the ensemble under the artistic direction of Rahela Durič Barić will explore the coordinates of our diverse musical world. Under the influence of this vision, it will reach out to the traditional literature of various nations, which more modern composers often transform into current choral guises, and with the aim of stimulating domestic compositional production, choir also commissioned two fresh choral novelties from Katarina Pustinek Rakar and Tine Bec.

Katarina Pustinek Rakar, in her new composition Čez vsa kervica, pride pravica, combined protestant chants with Slovenian folk motifs, which also characterize other compositions in the opening part of the concert. We will then sail from our homeland to the world on the wings of a swallow, a symbol of migration, change and freedom. We will start in Japan and India, and then travel to the Scandinavian north. In Tine Bec’s novelty Razcep, scandinavian folk tradition will be combined with the heart of the Balkans, which will also be outlined through selected folk tunes from Bosnia and Macedonia. Then we will also visit some English-speaking countries, Latin America, Africa and the Basque Country. The concept of the concert will not stop only at vocal art, but will also confront the music with dance movements created by the renowned Dutch choreographer Panda van Proosdij, and we will also test musical boundaries with improvisations designed by Rahela Durič Barić.


An hour before the concert, at 6:30 p.m., there will also be a pre-concert discussion with choreographer Panda van Proosdij, led by Rossana Paliaga, in the Slavko Osterec hall.


Tickets available at the following link:

Sponsor of the concert: Holding Slovenske elektrarne d.o.o. (


